
Pupils who have the technical ability and confidence, may – if they would like to – participate in dance festivals. This will mean private lessons initially to learn the dances and then festival classes to keep them rehearsed. This will be at an additional cost to usual weekly classes.

The festivals that we have taken part in are: Mid-Somerset Festival, Kingswood Eisteddfod, Tilehurst Eisteddfod,Pershore Festival, Banbury Dance Festival and Devizes Dance Festival.

Festival News

Many congatulations to Lucy Blackman who gained 1st place with her Song and Dance solo in her very first competition, at Banbury Dance Festival in March. Harriet Fitzsimons & Millie Cloke also gained over 80 marks for their Modern duet. Well done!

Congratulations to Alice Green and Layla Hancock who gained a second place with their tap duet at Pershore Dance Festival in October. This was their first dance festival too.

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